The accumulated rainfall shown in these layers are estimated by continuously summing snapshots of rain as detected by doppler radar. Definitely keep in mind that these layers are estimates. It's best to verify the amount of rain by looking for nearby rain gauges. More information can be found on this Wikipedia page.

River Forecast Centers (RFCs) monitor the Nation's river systems and provide real-time hydrologic forecasts and guidance for delivery to water resources cooperators and Weather Forecast Offices. The RFC QPE layers “produce the data using a multi-sensor approach utilizing NWS 88D radar estimates of precipitation, automated and manual precipitation gauges and satellite estimates of precipitation.” In other words, the precipitation gauges help ‘correct’ the estimates coming from radar snapshots. All of the RFC layers ending with ‘hr’ are updated every hour. All of the other layers are only updated once every 24 hours at Noon Greenwich Mean Time (UTC Time). The time that NOAA updated the layer being displayed on the map is shown in the bottom left corner of the map.